Wow! It is a shame that you had to go through all of that. Thanks for sharing.

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What a broken system! Glad you were able to have the most recent one repealed, but what a ridiculous disservice

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This is terrible! I rely on Lyft as well, in a city with poor public transportation & various limitations I live with. And how maddening that you were never helped at all. Ugh!

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This makes me furious. That’s all I got. But I’m going to restack this just to get the word out.

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Oh my goodness. Oh my gosh. Sorry that you’re living through a particular nightmare of mine because I resonate with a lot of what you’re saying for my own disability reasons.

Aggggghhhhhhhhhhh I am raging with / for you. And for us!!!!!!!! Also, thank you so so so so very much (and sorry so sorry for the context you had to write it) re: how people talk about “short walkable distances” that may as well be 5 km/mile runs for us. Because oh my good god yes yes yes but exactly. Soooooo very painful. Painful enough to need this resource. Priviledged enough to access it to the degree I do.

Fucked and perplexing when the systems find new ways to make your life disability trapped - especially when you’re not asking for the company to do you social favours - like, you haven’t violated anything according to their very own policies.

Whereas- though I’m unsure about laws abroad and know for sure that the UK’s equality act 2010 is the jokiest of jokes ever - it’s a special degree of appalling that all the labour you had to push through to even get responses - they landed with like…strange ones?

What was the purpose of their social team messaging you when it wasn’t to help but instead to defend?!

Basically I’m very sorry and lots of solidarity and thank you so much for writing this and fuck these systems that you had to :( </3 <3 xxxxxx

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I’m so very sorry this happened and dealing with it cost you so much energy. I believe you. I believe you did nothing wrong. My heart is with yours.

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That’s awful Esme. I hope they take your feedback on board.

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This is very troubling! I'm so sorry you had to experience this and now worry about future transportation issues. I'm a nervous driver so I use these services if I need to go on the freeway, or somewhere I've never been before. My son told me that a lot times they don't like to end a drive in the suburbs because they are far from the next possible ride. Last summer I took a taxi and it was a wonderful experience and they don't rate you. The ratings are so bogus. You have to rate everyone excellent or they suffer, so no one ever gets useful feedback. Thanks for shedding light on this issue.

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Yikes! This is so black mirror weird. I am so sorry for this. I was drinking a coffee at a train station and as my train pulled up I put the cup on an outside table of a different coffee chain because train stations in the uk don’t have bins and I had my suitcase. The owner marched up to me and said you forgot this - put it in a bin please and stormed off. I felt awful. I didn’t have time to say train stations don’t have bins or I have a heavy suitcase because all her saw was “bad behaviour”. In this case he was right but so was I. It could have been a kindness to tidy my cup away. Could have been. It could have also been a kindness to let me apologise. But here we are. Sending sparkles. ✨✨

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How frustrating. I'm sorry, Esmé.

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