REASONS FOR LIVING with Esmé Weijun Wang
The Unexpected Shape
Episode 9: Is Twitter Dead?

Episode 9: Is Twitter Dead?

In this episode, we reflect on Twitter's heyday and its crucial role in fostering literary connections. As Twitter undergoes a transformation to becoming “X”, we explore its impact on the literary community and share insights on alternative platforms. Discover where you can find a new literary haven, including the Unexpected Shape Café at [](, and join our free workshop, "Your Best Nonfiction Topic," at []( Stay connected with the Unexpected Shape Writing Academy as we navigate this changing landscape together. The Mensah Demary essay mentioned in this episode, “In Search of Lost Tweets: On Being a Writer on Twitter,” can be found here:

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REASONS FOR LIVING with Esmé Weijun Wang
The Unexpected Shape
REASONS FOR LIVING with Esmé Weijun Wang is an inspiring newsletter containing guest essays, art, poetry, and journal prompts about reasons to be alive. Paid subscribers receive two paywalled personal essays per month.